Success & Setbacks in NYC
In this podcast we will explore different success & setback stories of various creatives & professionals in NYC. Tune in to learn more about various people's path in the greatest city in the world - NYC!Podcast is hosted by co-hosts Nikolay & Yuliya (www.NYglobalGroup.com)
Success & Setbacks in NYC
Success & Setbacks with Angela - From Investment Banking to Jewelry E-commerce
Nikolay & Yuliya
In this episode Nikolay & Yuliya (Julia) have Angela as their guest. Angela is a founder of Azura Jewelry New York. Tune in to learn more about how she was raised in China, moved to the US, went to work in one of the best finance companies (spoiler alert - didn't like it) and opened up a thriving online Jewelry business while being a mother at the same time!
To learn more about Angela:
Instagram: @azura.nyc
Webpage: https://azurajewelry.com/
To learn more about Nikolay & Yuliya:
Webpage: http://nyglobalgroup.com/
Instagram (Nikolay): @Nikolay.NYC
Instagram (Yuliya): @Julia.Zaynulina
DM or email us at info@nyglobalgroup.com if you have a story to share!